The new album is growing much closer to completion. About twenty new songs have been clawing through my head from some unknown region of the subconscious psyche, but not all have yet evolved to the level of self-sufficiency.
But they will continue to consume me until they do.
As far as I can tell, these new creatures, these moments in the fluid abstract of memory and time, have grown into wholly new and undefinable anomalies of the senses. Genomes are splitting, mutating, and transforming inside cells of thought and sound, a perfectly geometric crysalis of instinct and animus.
The parasite invades the unsuspecting host and burrows deep into it's nervous system, latches on. It takes hold. The two develop and depend on an intimate symbiotic tryst, lovers who have fused as one and can no longer exist without the other. It is a relationship of disgust and distrust. In trying to hurt the other they hurt themselves.
Two organisms become one. Identities become indistinguishable. Where does one end and the other begin? Were they ever really seperate? What is one without the other?
Long artistic projects in solitude bring you face to face with these complicated, ugly dealings with a cold and calculated intensity. It deprives you of your external senses, and you get lost meandering down horrificly scarred subdermal passages inside yourself. Further, deeper, darker.
And that's where you find it. The parasite. It sits in an empty, withering room you vaguely recognize. In the dust and glass on the floor you see words scrawled with a finger, maybe yours. They are little reminders, the agonizing truths, the bitter and venemous offspring of your denial. But you can't run. Just outside that room stalk other hideous monstrosities whose time have not yet come.
You must face the parasite, look it in the eye. It has a halo of glowing neurons, a thorny crown of violently sparking synapses. When you ask the questions, you don't speak at all. When it responds, it is in subtle gestures. If you don't focus you might miss it.
If you miss it, you may never make it out alive. The parasite will pull the plug, the walls will fall in, and the creatures beyond will consume you. You will consume yourself and slip beneath the chemical undertow.
The new album seems to be a transgressional journey into a dark and chaotic levidity, an emotional hematoma on the fragile, post-coital glow of love, loss, and the positive and negative euphoric states between and surrounding. A very bad place I never wanted to go.
But then again, I am no longer in control. Only the hivemind can know. The time is now to listen, and to let go....
Someone once said that when two minds come together, it creates a third, new consciousness, a hivemind, capable of things neither could have done on their own. That is one of the many compelling facets of art - when two minds become one in some intricate new creation.
I'm pleased to announce that I will be working with experimental filmmaker Levi Stair on a video for one of the new songs. His vision is uniquely visceral and subverted. It moves on a primal level somewhere inbetween the delicate etchings of instinct on the nervous system, and the turbulent waters of the atmospheric subconscious.
The life of a hivemind is one of tragedy. It quickly swells into existence, is given just enough time to complete the great work, and then just blinks out. But what it leaves behind is beautiful, and somehow makes timeslessness out of trauma.
Art imitates life imitates art.